Systems Thinking

Mini Course

Thinking Skills

Aspects of Thinking Skills – Systems Thinking.

Your ability to identify, analyze, propose solutions, and make decisions. Problem solving helps you to address issues, monitor success, and learn from the experience.

For example, we use this skill to make hiring decisions, select courses of action and troubleshoot technical failures. Systems thinking means you always consider the impacts of your decisions and how you are impacted by the systems around you.

This micro-course gives you a snapshot of the relational skills

Course curriculum

    1. Student Walkthrough

    1. What is Systems Thinking?

    2. [VIDEO] Hubble Trouble - How did the Space Telescope Mirror End Up Flawed?

    3. What is Systems Thinking? [Continued...]

    1. How Do We Use It?

    1. How to Improve?

    2. [VIDEO] Systems Thinking : A Cautionary Tale

    3. How to Improve? [Continued...]

About this course

  • $19.95
  • 3 Modules
  • 2 CEU's
  • Certificate of Completion