Workplace Trainer Certificate Program - Mentoring Skills at the Workplace

The session objective are to reflect on our own mentoring skills, discuss the difference between mentoring and coaching, explain the benefits of the four (4) types of mentoring programs, explore ways of evaluating a mentoring program and plan ways of mentoring our team members as needed.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the course platform

    2. Mentoring Skills in the Workplace Introduction

    3. Pre-Assessment - Workplace Trainer: Mentoring Skills at the Workplace

    4. Preliminary Questions - Workplace Trainer: Mentoring Skills at the Workplace

    5. The Differences between Coaching and Mentoring.

    6. The Difference Between Coaching and Mentoring. After the video, please click cancel so you can click on the discussion box in the top right corner.

    7. Introduction to Continuous Learning and Mentoring

    8. Self Assessment on Continuous Learning

    9. Read up on Continuous Learning

    10. Activity: Benefits of Mentoring

    11. What are the benefits of Mentoring for Employees, Leaders and the Organization? Print and highlight the most important points for you.

    12. A site to check out on Mentoring

    13. Challenges for Mentors

    14. Four Types of Mentoring

    15. Four Characteristics of Mentoring

    16. Four Mentoring Types - a website

    17. Video on Mentoring

    18. What is standing out for you right now?

    19. Questions to Ask Yourself when Starting a Mentoring Program

    20. Evaluating a Mentoring Program

    21. Getting a Mentorship Program Started

    22. Conclusion video: "Mentoring Skills in the Workplace"

    23. Post Assessment - Workplace Trainer: Mentoring Skills at the Workplace

    24. Comments or questions?

    25. Disclaimer

About this course

  • Free
  • 25 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Workplace Trainer
Certificate Program

Mentoring Skills at the Workplace