Managing Diversity Certificate Program - Orientation

The session objectives are to discuss the Workplace Education Manitoba Essential Skills model, discuss diversity and inclusion, reflect on your ability to work with others and be a continuous learner and start thinking about the business case for Diversity and Inclusion.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the course platform

    2. Managing Diversity Certificate Program Introduction

    3. Essential Skills

    4. Opening Activity to Think about Essential Skills in Your Workplace

    5. Essential Skills for Occupations

    6. Retail Trade Supervisor Profile - Note Essential Skill levels and sample tasks.

    7. What are Essential Skills? - PDF

    8. Working with Others Self-Assessment

    9. HRSDC Working with Others Self-Assessment - please download and complete

    10. Working with Others

    11. The Stick Exercise

    12. What do YOU think?

    13. Diversity and Inclusion Facts

    14. Business Case Reading

    15. The Business Case - Please download and complete

    16. Essential Skills Profile Assignment

    17. Diversity Resources

    18. Questions/Comments?

    19. Disclaimer

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content