Managing Diversity Certificate Program - Inclusive Workplace Practices

The session objectives are to discuss the need for inclusive workplace practices, explore ways of structuring inclusive workplace practices, reflect on your inclusive leadership competencies and develop a plan for implementing inclusive practices in your own workplace context.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the course platform

    2. Inclusive Workplace Practices Introduction

    3. Pre-Assessment - Managing Diversity: Inclusive Workplace Practices

    4. Preliminary Questions - Managing Diversity: Inclusive Workplace Practices

    5. Land of Albatross Introduction Activity

    6. Debrief of the "Land of Albatross"

    7. Land of Albatross Example in a Manufacturing Environment

    8. The New World of Work

    9. Questions after watching the video "The New World of Work"

    10. Historical Perspectives of D&I

    11. An example of Business Thriving in Difference

    12. Are you an Inclusive Leader? Self-Assessment

    13. Inclusive Leadership Competencies

    14. Inclusive Leadership Competencies

    15. Example of Self - Awareness – Identifying when Stereotypes may Impact Behaviours and Decisions, and the Skill to Keep them in Check

    16. An Example of Inclusive Communication

    17. What is Inclusion - Inclusion Imperative

    18. Case Study 1 - Global MFG Culture

    19. Case Study 2 - Hartford Mentoring

    20. Case Study 3- Verizon Women Leaders

    21. Reflections on Case Studies

    22. City of Edmonton D&I Framework (Inclusion Plan Reference Tool)

    23. The Science of Inclusion, Quinetta Roberson

    24. Inclusive Workplace Practices Resource List

    25. Reflections on What you have Learned - Managing Diversity: Inclusive Workplace Practices

    26. Post Assessment - Managing Diversity: Inclusive Workplace Practices

    27. Comments/ Questions?

    28. Disclaimer

About this course

  • Free
  • 28 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Managing Diversity
Certificate Program

Inclusive Workplace Practices