Managing Diversity Certificate Program - Generations at Work

The session objectives are to discuss the characteristics of the 5 generations, analyze how work values and motivation differ between the generations, share ideas and thoughts about managing generations at work, brainstorm motivation strategies for each generation and differentiate between the generations and their communication styles.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the course platform

    2. Generations at Work Introduction

    3. Pre-Assessment - Managing Diversity: Generations at Work

    4. Preliminary Questions - Managing Diversity: Generations at Work

    5. Generations at Work - Self Assessment of Knowledge- Please download and complete. Keep it handy for the end of the module.

    6. Discussion Questions

    7. What is a Generation?

    8. What are the 5 Generations?

    9. Five Generations at Work Today - Fillable PDF

    10. The Veteran Generation

    11. The Zimmers "My Generation"

    12. Baby Boomers

    13. 10 Facts about Baby Boomers

    14. Generation X

    15. Why You Need to Know about Gen-X

    16. Millennials

    17. Baby boomers and millennials at work

    18. The Newest Generation - Gen Z

    19. The Next Generation - Gen Z - Reading

    20. Discussion on Where you Fit in the Generations

    21. What Would You Do?

    22. Generations and Communication

    23. Strategies to Manage Generations

    24. Generations Case Studies - Download the fillable PDF. You can also share in the discussion box in the top right corner.

    25. Strategies to Manage or work with Different Generations

    26. Post-Assessment - Refer to the Pre-Assessment that you did at the beginning and assess yourself again. See if your numbers have changed.

    27. Generation Resource List

    28. Self Reflection Questions - Managing Diversity: Generations at Work

    29. Post Assessment - Managing Diversity: Generations at Work

    30. Questions/Comments?

    31. Disclaimer

About this course

  • Free
  • 31 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Managing Diversity
Certificate Program

Generations at Work