Managing Diversity Certificate Program - Civility in the Workplace

The session objectives are to define civility, understand its causes, and its behaviours indicators, discuss the costs of incivility, as well as the rewards of civility, within the workplace, explore practical ways of practicing workplace etiquette, including the proper use of greetings, respect, involvement, and political correctness and talk about the duties civility and respect imposes.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the course platform

    2. Civility in the Workplace Introduction

    3. Pre-Assessment - Managing Diversity: Civility in the Workplace

    4. What does respect look like, feel like, and sound like?

    5. A Respectful Workplace is...

    6. What is Civility?

    7. Civility: Commitment to Kindness Dr. P. Forni

    8. Civility in the Workplace - Is the "Golden Rule" the best measure?

    9. Causes of Incivility

    10. Incivility Assessment

    11. Rewards of Civility

    12. Rewards of Civility

    13. Rewards of Civility Discussion

    14. Developing Healthy Workplaces Article

    15. Workplace Etiquette and Culture Assignment Instructions

    16. Workplace Etiquette Assignment

    17. Workplace Etiquette and Culture Assignment Discussion

    18. Examples of how Canadian Etiquette can be Confusing to Newcomers

    19. Civility at Work Case Study

    20. Civility When Working with Others Quiz

    21. 10 Actions You Can Focus on to Influence Culture of Respect Article

    22. Post Assessment - Managing Diversity: Civility in the Workplace

    23. Civility at Work Resources

    24. Questions/Comments?

    25. Disclaimer

About this course

  • Free
  • 25 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Managing Diversity
Certificate Program

Civility in the Workplace