Managing Diversity Certificate Program - Disability in the Workplace

The session objectives are to discuss disability etiquette in the workplace, explore inclusive language option, analyze ways of improving interactions with colleagues who have a disability and analyze case studies.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the course platform

    2. DIsability in the Workplace Introduction

    3. Pre-Assessment - Managing Diversity: Disability in the Workplace

    4. Preliminary Questions - Managing Diversity: Disability in the Workplace

    5. Disability in the Workplace Vocabulary Matching Game

    6. The Benefits of Disability in the Workplace

    7. Workplace Disability Etiquette

    8. Additional Information/Resources on Reasonable Accommodation

    9. Disability Accommodations Checklists - Resource to Use in Your Workplace

    10. Workplace Disability Etiquette - Recruitment and Interview

    11. Disability Discrimination: Job Interview

    12. Workplace Disability Etiquette - New Employee and Workplace

    13. Disability Discrimination: Disabled/Enabled

    14. What is Inclusive Language?

    15. Inclusive Language

    16. Inclusive Language Activity

    17. Inclusive Language Answer Key

    18. Case Studies - Please scan this document then choose 1 case study to complete the assignment.

    19. Case Study Assingment

    20. Stella Young: I'm not your inspiration, thank you very much

    21. Post Assessment: Managing Diversity: Disability in the Workplace

    22. Disability in the Workplace Resource List

    23. Questions/Comments?

    24. Disclaimer

About this course

  • Free
  • 24 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Managing Diversity
Certificate Program

Disability in the Workplace