Change Readiness

Trends in the Changing Workplace

This session explores the trends and influences impacting workplaces and discusses the workplace of the future. Session Objectives Review Trends Impacting the way we work Social Technological Economical Demographic shifts and ways to prepare for the changing workplace.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the course platform

    2. Trends Introduction

    3. Pre-Assessment - Change Readiness: Trends in the Changing Workplace

    4. Introduction Activity - Trends

    5. Future of Work

    6. New World of Work

    7. New World of Work Discussion

    8. Fill out Before the Next Video: The Future of Work Questions - Fillable PDF or Print

    9. Future of Work Answer Key

    10. Workplace Trends - Technology

    11. Are you Ready for Digital Transformation?

    12. Five Generations in the Workforce

    13. Quick Reference to the Five Generations

    14. Appreciating a Multigeneration Workforce Infographic (Info on Four Generations)

    15. Culture is Impacted by Generational Differnces

    16. Demographic Questions

    17. Social Trends

    18. Texting is Killing Language. JK!!! - John McWhorter

    19. Twitter Style Discussion of Social Media

    20. Economic Trends

    21. Economic Trends Assignment

    22. Leadership in 2020

    23. 8 Business Trends to Master by 2020 by James Kerr

    24. Comments or Questions?

    25. Post Assessment - Change Readiness: Trends in the Changing Workplace

    26. Disclaimer

About this course

  • Free
  • 26 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Change Readiness
Certificate Program

Trends in the Changing Workplace