Change Readiness

Managing Change

What will Participants Learn – Session Objectives: Define “change-ready” and “change management”; Analyze Lewin’s Change Management Model; Discuss: Key barriers to managing change; risk assessment stakeholder analysis; planning and managing change and review common mistakes related to change management.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the course platform

    2. Managing Change Introduction

    3. Pre-Assessment - Change Readiness: Managing Change

    4. Preliminary Questions - Change Readiness: Managing Change

    5. What Does it Mean to be Change Ready

    6. Two Examples of Barriers to Change Readiness

    7. 14 Change Readiness Questions - Complete Fillable PDF or Print

    8. What Does it Mean to be Change Ready? Discussion

    9. What is Change Management?

    10. Predictors of Ability to Manage Change - Please download and complete

    11. Lewin's Phases of Change Model

    12. An Example of the Unfreezing Technique "Command"

    13. Lewin Model of Change Support Video

    14. Lewin Push and Pull

    15. Lewin's Push and Pull Techniques Quiz

    16. Risk Assessment

    17. Risk Assessment Website

    18. Stakeholder Analysis

    19. 6 Stakeholder Roles

    20. Planning Change

    21. Top 40+ Questions to Ask First Before Embarking on Any Change - Infographic

    22. Common Mistakes

    23. Eastman Kodak Case Study - Fillable PDF or Print

    24. Post Assessment - Change Readiness: Managing Change

    25. Comments or Questions?

    26. Disclaimer

About this course

  • Free
  • 26 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content