Workplace Trainer Certificate Program - Explore Learning Organization

The session objectives are to explore a learning organization in depth, discuss self-directed learning, organizational learning disabilities and the five (5) principles of Peter Senge and how they build a learning organization, explain personal mastery, explain the role of organizational learning disabilities, personal mastery, Mental Modes, shared vision, team learning and systems thinking and create a personal vision statement.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the course platform

    2. Learning Organization Introduction

    3. Pre-Assessment - Workplace Trainer: Explore Learning Organization

    4. Preliminary Questions - Workplace Trainer: Explore Learning Organization

    5. Warm Up Activity

    6. Reflecting on Peter Senge's Definition of a Learning Organization

    7. Reading - 5 Organizational Learning Disabilities Which Can Limit Success

    8. Quiz - 5 Learning Organizational Learning Disabilities Which Can Limit Success

    9. Benefits and Challenges of Self Directed Learning

    10. How do we encourage and engage employees to want to learn new things in the workplace?

    11. Peter Senge's Learning Organization - Overview of The Five Disciplines

    12. Discipline #1: Systems Thinking - "Webs of Interdependence" Watch the video and read the article.

    13. More Information on Systems Thinking

    14. Discipline #2 – Personal Mastery: Download and Complete. Download the fillable PDF and save your answers or print.

    15. For More Information on Mission Statements

    16. Discipline #3 - Mental Models - a Case Study

    17. Discipline #4 - Shared Vision. Please watch and click on the discussion box in the top right corner to share what stood out for you as you watched Peter Senge talk about shared vision.

    18. Discipline #5 -Team learning Peter Senge

    19. For more Information: Website Peter Senge

    20. Summary of the Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge

    21. ​Peter Senge Links

    22. Conclusion Video - "Learning Organization"

    23. Post Assessment - Workplace Trainer: Explore Learning Organization

    24. Comments or questions?

    25. Disclaimer

About this course

  • Free
  • 25 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Workplace Trainer
Certificate Program

Explore Learning Organization