Transition to Leadership Certificate Program - Effective Delegation

Learning how to delegate effectively is the key to leveraging one self and multiplying value to their company. Delegation allows leaders to move from what they can do personally to what they can manage and build in their teams. The objectives of this course are to discuss delegation and how it is a critical leadership skill, explore factors that impact effective delegation, differentiate between tasks that can be delegated and those that cannot, reflect on the challenges of delegation, and reflect on your tasks as leaders and identify how you can delegate and maximize potential.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use the course platform

    2. Effective Delegation Introduction

    3. Pre-Assessment - Transition to Leadership: Effective Delegation

    4. How is your delegation? A self-assessment.

    5. The Benefits & Challenges of Delegation

    6. Article: 12 Rules of Delegation - Please download and read

    7. How Should Leaders Delegate?

    8. Knowing When and How to Delegate - PDF

    9. Delegation Video by Golder Associates

    10. The Six Levels of Delegation Notes

    11. The Six Levels of Delegation

    12. Delegation by Rob Cahill

    13. Planning to Delegate

    14. Final Thoughts - Tips on Delegation for Control Freaks!

    15. Post Assessment - Transition to Leadership: Effective Delegation

    16. Effective Delegation - Resource List

    17. Questions/Comments?

    18. Disclaimer

About this course

  • $40.95
  • 18 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Transition to Leadership
Certificate Program

Effective Delegation