Essential Skills for
Women at Work
Providing Essential Skills training
solutions for Women in the Workplace
Leveraging Skills - Overcoming Setbacks - Ensuring Success
This course is a 40-hour Certificate Program, consisting of 8 online training modules. The program content itself focuses on the current challenges women are facing in the workplace due to COVID-19. The goals are to provide essential skills training solutions for women who due to the pandemic have had a change in their employment situation; and to support anticipated future expectations of employers related to the workforce impacts of COVID-19 and the increased need for digital competence.
Enhance your knowledge of digital competence and communication skills, learning resilience and adapting to changes in the workplace. Empower yourself with new skills for anticipated future workforce requirements.
Essential Skills Focus:
Preparing to learn in a remote or virtual environment
Online communication skills
Online presentation skills
Effective oral communication skills
Fundamentals of the Workplace
Working with others
Change readiness & Continuous learning
Program Review
Michelle Clarke